Power BI Consulting Work for Nestle

Assets Cuppage Tool

Nestlé Professional is world’s largest food and beverage company. They are committed to being an exciting growth partner who provides food service operators with innovative, branded food and beverage solutions which pleases their customers.
They have a variety of machinery installed all over India.
Our primary goal was to develop a tool that would assist them in calculating the Cuppage count at the machine level. The money earned by every machine was computed using this tool, and then the distribution was decided. If the revenue earned fell short of the minimum threshold, it was withdrawn from the location and all of this was done with the help of our technology. The main features of the tool were:
Machinery Status: Aids them in determining which machine has been in an optimal state for 90 days and is not generating any cash, so they can remove and relocate it.
Revenue Generated: Cuppage count was determined while all ingredient limits were taken into account, and then reports were generated automatically to charge rentals at the customer level.
Dashboard: All of the data is shown on a dashboard to assist the team in taking necessary actions based on machine’s revenue status.

Power BI Consulting Work for Nestle

Market Data Analytics for D’DÉCOR

D’Decor Home Fabrics Pvt. Ltd. is a curtain and upholstery fabric manufacturer. Their goods are designed in-house and are used by designers and furniture makers in both Europe and The United States.
Their belief in the never-ending pursuit of excellence in performance, quality, and innovation has pushed them to take a radical approach to change. In addition, their passion is to provide you with the greatest, premium quality fabrics in the home furnishings market.
Our primary goal was to develop a sales dashboard that had various components like sales based on cities, states, etc. The components of the sales dashboard included:
Regions View: This view displays the number of consumers in each region as well as the sales generated in each month in specific regions where D’Décor has stores.View by State: This displays the sales generated by the top five states and cities. You can check the sales generated in each month of the chosen year by selecting a specific state or location.
View at the City and Catchment Level: This displays the selected city’s weekly trend, weekly sales in catchment areas (areas where the store is located), and sales generated by priority catchment areas. It also displays the graph trend of the top 5 customers’ sales within the defined catchment region.
Prioritized MBO: MBO is “Management by Objective”. This dashboard component displays the priority MBOs in the defined catchment areas, as well as the sales generated by each client in each month.
All these values change based on the filters you select.<

Power BI Services work for Ddecor
Power BI Development work for Manufacturing firm

Delivery and Inventory Analysis Report Using Power BI

The D&D Outsource Manufacturing Solution provides responsive manufacturing services to customer and market demand, as well as a customer service team that is dedicated, flexible, and willing to work with you on your schedule.
Requirement was to build dashboard for Sales, Delivery and Inventory Analysis using Microsoft Power BI.
Sales Report: This View Displays Income Statement by Retail, Manufacturing and CONSIGN Sources at Summary and Detailed Level.
Delivery Report: This View displays by Category, Location, Pricing and Tonnage Usage analysis.
Inventory Analysis: This report helped them to understand item and category wise inventory available, out of hand, committed, allocation, sold and used information. This also helped them assign reorders for committed quantities.

Power BI Development work for Manufacturing firm

Dispatch Planning System

Gazelle Information Technologies Pvt Ltd is a global consulting firm that specializes in supply chain management, Oracle Cloud ERP, Internet of Things, Digital Transformation, Artificial Intelligence and Digital Analytics. They assist firms in establishing an optimal supply chain by utilizing appropriate software and technologies.
We developed a Dispatch Planning Application, which is an MS Excel Macro-based tool for inventory planning and order generation at the depot level. The tool’s goal is to use business rules which govern daily order creation and dispatches from Hubs/Mother Warehouses to depots all throughout the country.
The key features of this tool were:

  • Stock Distribution: Stock was better distributed and allotted to different depots. The tool also ensured that there were no stock shortages at any of the depots.
  • Increase Productivity: Through automatic equipment, the tool helped to reduce the amount of labor and time required for order generation thereby increasing productivity.
  • Profit: The tool assisted in reducing total depot level inventory by distributing it to the appropriate depots, potentially increasing revenue and profit.

Invoice Generation Tool

Michelin, the world’s leading mobility company, is committed to improving its clients’ mobility in a sustainable manner by designing and distributing the most appropriate tyres, services, and solutions for their needs, providing digital services, maps and guides to help enrich trips and travels and make them unique experiences, and developing high-tech materials for a variety of industries.
The Michelin Technology Center in India is dedicated to radial truck and bus tyre research and development, as well as supporting the company’s manufacturing plants in Chennai, China, and Thailand.
The main purpose of the Invoice Generation Tool was to produce pdf copies of invoices using data from the server (Oracle), while also taking into account all the pricing and tax constraints.
The tool also distributed invoice copies to the appropriate vendors, and it was set up on the server to generate bills for newly modified entries at a predetermined time.
It simplified their work, since they had previously spent hours updating records and generating each and every pdf before delivering it to the recipient. However, with the help of the software, 500 invoices or so were prepared in less than a hour with just one click and e-mailed to the vendors.


Azure Power BI Embedded Services

PredictiVu is a private company incorporated in 2020. Its cognitive data science platform assists businesses in automating and solving problems, improving marketing performance, business growth and sales impact. The platform intends to deliver business intelligence that is faster, more adaptable, extremely reliable, and quite consolidated serving as 360-degree perspective of the business environment. They help businesses by aggregating and analyzing data from sales, web, social media, ad expenditure, consumer research and more than 100 data integrations. The software automates data analysis using artificial intelligence and machine learning. Our goal was to build a custom website (PHP) that displayed Power BI embedded dashboards utilizing Azure Power BI embedded services. Using our technology, we were able to provide a list of dashboards based on the user’s rights on the website. There was an admin portal which had the following which provided information on the following: a.) Distinct count of all dashboards, reports, and datasets in the user workspace. b.) You can see which dashboards are the most popular and who has access to them. c.) The most popular content users connected to. d.) A list of your top users ranked by the number of dashboards they have, including dashboards they developed and dashboards shared with them. Their client can use this technology to go to the website, submit login credentials, and examine the reports that are exclusive to his organization. We were able to accomplish this by utilizing the Row Level Security function, which allows you to restrict data for specific users. For e.g. If a user logs in from the north, the software will filter the data and only show him reports from the north and likewise.